Pre-Lock Security Services Coupons
As a professional 24 hour locksmith & alarm security integrator, we recognize the fact that total security is not accomplished by implementing any single security service or product.
While no area is immune from criminal activity, there are several things that you can do to make your home a safe, secure place to live.
Pre-Lock® prides itself in providing 24-hour alarm installation, alarm monitoring and locksmith services. We bring electronic security & physical security to the table. Whether you're looking for Schlage Primus locks, Sargent, Yale Locks, or Baldwin Locks we have it all. We truly offer "Real Security Under Lock & Key"
Our alarm monitoring centre is located in Toronto. We are listed by Underwriters laboratories for the maximum certifiable central station monitoring of residential, commercial and medical alarms as well as financial burglary and fire alarm systems.
We can also be there for emergency openings. It's nice to know we are ready when you need us most.
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