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Last updated: Mar 10, 2025
Banks vs. Credit Unions

DUCA Financial Services Credit Union offers all the same products and services you expect from a bank. See how many advantages DUCA Financial Services, your credit union, offers over banks and other traditional financial institutions.

1. High Service, Low Charges: DUCA's commitment to service has never left us. What makes DUCA unique is that we provide this high level of service at a low cost. At DUCA, we ensure that your banking experience is pleasant and professional while not costing you a lot in banking fees.

2. Bonus Shares: DUCA's commitment to value is shown in a feature that truly sets us apart from the competition. Since 1999, DUCA has paid a significant portion of its net earnings back to members in the form of Bonus Shares. Members receive Shares based on the interest they paid or received during the previous calendar year.

3. Competitive Interest Rates: DUCA strives to consistently have competitive interest rates. With low mortgage and loan rates, and high deposit rates, DUCA's focus is on giving you more value in your banking experience.

Deposit Insurance: The Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO), provides up to $100,000 insurance coverage per member. All deposits made to Registered plans are fully insured through the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario with no limit on the maximum amount.

DUCA Financial Services offers unparalleled service to all its customers

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DUCA Financial Services offers unparalleled service to all its customers

DUCA Credit Union - providing an alternative to the large banks

Discover the DUCA Difference

People helping people - providing an alternative to the large banks

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