Practitioners at the Centre for Biological Medicine have helped patients prevent fatal diseases from developing, cured chronic conditions, and have empowered them with the knowledge they need to maintain health by using one or more of the following highly specialized tools:
Darkfield Live Blood Analysis examines living blood cells with a specially adapted, high-power microscope, allowing the practitioner and patient to see the health state of blood cells, the presence or absence of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.
Bioresonance (MORA) Therapy painlessly normalizes energetic imbalances by bringing the body's negatively misaligned electromagnetic energy back to its natural, healthy flow; proven to strengthen organs and tissues and treat allergies, food intolerances, circulatory diseases and psychosomatic illnesses.
Ionized Oxygen Therapy. Patients inhale pure oxygen with negative ions (for relaxation) and positive ions (for body stimulation). IOT has been shown to relieve high blood pressure, migraines, asthma, stress and many other conditions.
Biological Terrain Assessment
A complex, computerized analysis of blood, urine and saliva. Effective in detecting trace signs of disease at the cellular level; helps correct imbalances in the body before mild symptoms become chronic.